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When Felix‘ dear grandfather returns from hospital with a new heart, the seven-year-old wonders where such an organ would come from. The childish idea of… Weiterlesen »Felix


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„I gotcha“ says the hunter, pointing his hunting rifle into the dense field of grass. When the game of hide and seek turns into a… Weiterlesen »DieJagd


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Simon’s life is neat and functioning, until he’s thrown off course by a baffling phone call. He loses all sense of his own identity, even… Weiterlesen »SurrealesIch


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Alex is going through a difficult time in boxing. His successes are far behind him, and he is gradually being forced out of the club… Weiterlesen »Infight


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The freaks, Moritz and Lorena, share a fascination for violence, which they exchange in their hour-long telephone conversations. But when Moritz can no longer distinguish… Weiterlesen »BetweentheLovers

Muster Beitrag

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The freaks, Moritz and Lorena, share a fascination for violence, which they exchange in their hour-long telephone conversations. But when Moritz can no longer distinguish… Weiterlesen »Muster Beitrag

#Surreales Ich

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Simon Poch, ein Mann, der sein geordnetes und funktionales Leben genießt, wird von einem rätselhaften Telefonanruf aus der Bahn geworfen. Die Gedanken des sonst so… Weiterlesen »#Surreales Ich


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Alex durchlebt eine schwere Zeit im Boxsport. Seine Erfolge liegen weit zurück und er wird nach und nach von seinem Rivalen Thomas als Clubbester aus… Weiterlesen »#Infight